Today we will see how to write a article on Medium. Before two article we will discuss about how to write and earn on medium.
This is ultimate guide how to actually write and article on medium. I will saw how to write with complete formatting. We know that writing format is very important to attract reader for reading.
Step_1: Before Write medium, need a account on medium.
Step_2: After Created account on medium Go to right to corner and click Write button.
Step_3: Write eye caching title on medium.
Step_4: After Creating a title start to write content or body part. This body part you need to add some bold text. So, that your reader easily caching up real and main part. We will see below picture how to bold and text.
Step_5: Some writing situation we also need to add quote for reader. Quotations is a method there we can focused to read our reader. Sometimes it’s given good experience our reader.
Step_6: Now we need to add appropriate picture so that we can increate our content beauty. Some reader’s are very like this pattern there have some content or subjective image. Below pic we will see how to add image or video on medium content.
Step_7: Now we add Alt text on our medium image. It’s may be our content more seo friendly and more relay able for medium and search engine. It’s also improve reading experience because sometimes image not loading due to network issue. when reader can easily understand what it was by read alt text..
Step_8: Click Alt text above image.
Step_9: Add ater text and click Save button.
Step_10: Click Publish buttun to go next page or schedule page.
Step_11: Now add topic which will work as a SEO. We just add yml, yml file etc , you add your appropriate content topic.
Step_12: After Set all thing click publish button for publish and also can schedule by click Schedule for later button.
** Have a good day and good luck for your medium Journy***