What is DNS?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a naming database where domain names are located and translated into (IP) addresses. The domain name system maps the name people use to locate a website or mail to the IP address that a computer uses to locate that website or mail.

For example, if someone types “bnlite.com” into a web browser, a server behind the scenes maps that name to the corresponding IP address. An IP address is similar in structure to

What is Private DNS?

Private DNS means hidden DNS that are not available on publicly.

Suppose you have a private library. You can’t read on this library’s book on park or public place. When you want to read book on private library you have to go private library. And what you read anyone can’t know. Only you know what you are reading.

Private DNS is as like as private library. Where you go what are you searching only you know.

Private DNS, also known as DNS over TLS (DoT), is a technology that enhances the security and privacy of DNS (Domain Name System) queries. The DNS is responsible for translating human-readable domain names (like www.example.com) into IP addresses that computers and networks use to locate each other on the internet. It acts as a phone book of the internet.

When you have any chances man-in-middle attack, DDoS attack or any type of attack that can be do through public internet. Simply cut through public internet and go with private network / private DNS.

How private DNS Works?

In the traditional DNS setup, these queries are often sent in plaintext, which means that anyone who can intercept the communication can see which websites a user is trying to access. This can lead to privacy concerns and even security risks, as attackers could manipulate DNS responses to redirect users to malicious websites.

Private DNS addresses these concerns by encrypting the DNS queries using TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocols, the same encryption technology used to secure web traffic (HTTPS). When a device uses Private DNS, the DNS queries are encrypted, making it more difficult for third parties to eavesdrop on or manipulate the communication between the device and the DNS server.

How to private DNS enable on android.

  1. Go to Settings

2. Search Private DNS on Setting.

3. Go to Private DNS >> Click private DNS option

4. Set your appropriate private DNS Server Name.

Important: By default, your device uses Private DNS with all networks that can use Private DNS. We recommend keeping Private DNS turned on.

How to safely using dark web?

When we use sensitive information site, we should use private DNS. So that we can secure and no one can easily hack us. Is it recommended to use google’s private DNS server if you have not any private DNS server.

Benefit of using Private DNS android or PC

  1. Privacy: Encrypting DNS queries prevents third parties, such as ISPs (Internet Service Providers) or public Wi-Fi providers, from seeing which websites a user is accessing. This helps to protect user privacy and prevent targeted advertising based on DNS data.
  2. Security: Encrypting DNS queries prevents attackers from intercepting and altering DNS responses to redirect users to malicious websites. This can help prevent various forms of cyberattacks like phishing, DNS hijacking, and man-in-the-middle attacks.
  3. Bypassing censorship: In some regions, governments or ISPs might censor access to certain websites by blocking their DNS resolution. Private DNS can help users bypass these restrictions and access the websites they want to visit.
  4. Data integrity: Encrypted DNS queries ensure that the responses received from DNS servers are accurate and haven’t been tampered with during transmission.

In a world where digital privacy is paramount, Private DNS emerges as a valuable tool to fortify your online presence. Embrace the power of encrypted DNS queries and enjoy a safer, more confidential journey across the internet! 🌐🔐